Jumat, 07 Juni 2019

The Phones Of The Dutch Prime Number Minister

(Updated: Jan 1, 2017)

With final year's tidings of NSA eavesdropping on the mobile telephone of High German chancellor Angela Merkel inward mind, Dutch media assumed it was large tidings that the Dutch prime number government minister Mark Rutte has a telephone that cannot hold upwards intercepted.

As was the instance alongside chancellor Merkel, most people practise non seem aware of the fact that political leaders normally have got 2 sort of phones: an ordinary 1 that is slowly to intercept in addition to a secure one, that is really hard to tap.

That prime number government minister Rutte has a secure telephone was said past times the managing director for Cyber Security inward a radio-interview final week. Afterwards this was seen a skid of the tongue, because the authorities has the policy to never say anything near the safety methods they use.

But from pictures in addition to other sources nosotros tin all the same larn a fairly skilful thought of which phones, both secure in addition to non-secure, are used past times the Dutch prime number minister. As nosotros volition exhibit here, he currently has 3 landline in addition to 2 mobile phones at his disposal, solely 1 beingness a highly secure one.

Dutch prime number government minister Mark Rutte working at his desk, May 29, 2012
At his correct manus are 3 desktop phones in addition to inward front end of him an iPhone 4
(photo: Prime Minister @ Flickr - Click for the total picture)

Since 1982, the component subdivision of the Dutch prime number government minister is on the minute flooring of a minor tower that is component subdivision of the parliament buildings in addition to which dates dorsum to the 14th century. In Dutch this component subdivision is called Het Torentje.

From the left to the correct nosotros reckon the next telephones on the desk of the prime number minister:
1. Ericsson DBC212 (black)
2. Sectra Tiger XS Office (silver)
3. Unidentified component subdivision phone (gray)

First nosotros volition verbalize over the 2 phones without encryption capability in addition to and then the secure phone:

1. The Ericsson DBC212

This is a mutual component subdivision telephone which has been component subdivision of the internal individual branch substitution (PBX) network of the Department of General Affairs for over a decade. Other pictures from rooms inward the same edifice also exhibit the same in addition to similar models of this telephone series, which was made past times Ericsson, a Swedish fellowship that manufactured many abode in addition to component subdivision phones used inward The Netherlands. The prime number government minister tin usage this telephone for every telephone phone retrieve he wants to laid that doesn't require encryption.

In Dec 2016, it appeared that the Department of General Affairs had installed novel telephone equipment: high-end IP phones alongside full-color touching covert from the Canadian manufacturer Mitel (probably the MiVoice 5360 IP Phone). Such a device also replaced the at to the lowest degree 10-year old Ericsson DBC212 on the prime number minister's desk.

3. The greyish component subdivision telephone

The laid in addition to type of this telephone couldn't hold upwards identified yet, but it seems to hold upwards a mutual component subdivision telephone too. However, this telephone is most probable connected to the Emergency Communications Provision (Dutch: NoodCommunicatieVoorziening or NCV).

This is an IP-based network which is completely separated from Earth telephone network. Communications over this network are non encrypted, but the switches are inward secure locations in addition to connect redundantly.

The role of the NCV-network is to enable communications betwixt authorities agencies in addition to emergency services when during a disaster or a crisis province of affairs (parts of) the regular communication networks collapse. This network replaced the old National Emergency Network (Nationaal Noodnet) equally of Jan 1, 2012 (see below).

Close-up of the phones on the desk of the prime number government minister inward 2013
(picture: Google Street View - Click for the total picture)

2. The Sectra Tiger XS Office

The silver-colored telephone which sits inward betwixt the 2 other ones is a Tiger XS Office (XO). This device is capable of highly secured telephone calls in addition to tin hence hold upwards used past times the prime number government minister for conversations near things that are classified upwards to the grade of Secret.

The Tiger XS Office is manufactured since 2005 past times the communications sectionalization of the Swedish fellowship Sectra AB, which was founded inward 1978 past times some cryptology researchers from Linköping University. Sectra, which is an acronym of Secure Transmission, also has a sectionalization inward the Netherlands: Sectra Communications BV.

Tiger is the laid cite for their high-end secure vocalization products, but alongside everyone assuming that this refers to the exotic animal, it's also Swedish for "keep silent" (see for example: En Svensk Tiger).

Tiger XS

Although the Tiger XS Office looks similar a futuristic desktop phone, it genuinely consists of a minor encryption device which is docked into a desktop cradle alongside a keypad in addition to handset. The encryption device, the Tiger XS, was originally developed for securing mobile telephone communications in addition to has special protections against tampering in addition to so-called TEMPEST attacks.

The Sectra Tiger XS docked into the component subdivision unit
(Photo: Sectra - Click to enlarge)

The desktop unit of measurement has no encryption capabilities, but alongside the Tiger XS inserted, it tin encrypt landline telephone calls in addition to fax transmissions, so it turns into a secure desktop telephone. The Tiger XS enables secure communications on GSM, UMTS, ISDN in addition to the Iridium, Inmarsat in addition to Thuraya satellite networks. When inserted into the component subdivision unit, it also plant on the measure Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).


On its own, the Tiger XS device tin hold upwards used to secure for sure types of prison theatre cellular telephone phones. For this, the Tiger XS is connected inward betwixt a headset (consisting of an earpiece in addition to a microphone) in addition to a mobile phone, to which it connects via Bluetooth. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 secure connexion is laid upwards past times putting a personal SIM-sized access menu into the Tiger XS, entering a PIN code in addition to selecting the somebody to connect to from the phonebook.

What is said into the microphone of the headset is encrypted past times the Tiger XS in addition to and then this encrypted vocalization information larn to an ordinary mobile telephone through the Bluetooth connection. The telephone in addition to then sends it over the prison theatre cellular telephone phone network to the receiving end, where some other Tiger XS decrypts the information in addition to makes it audible again.

The Tiger XS alongside personal
access menu in addition to headset


At outset sight it seems to hold upwards a really flexible solution: connecting a split upwards encryption device to mutual prison theatre cellular telephone phones. But inward reality the Tiger XS tin solely connect to older mobile phones which suppport the master copy Circuit Switched Data (CSD) channel in addition to a Bluetooth version that is fully tested in addition to compatible alongside the way the Tiger XS has to usage it. Because of this, the Tiger XS is rarely used for mobile phones anymore, but generally inward combination alongside the desktop unit.

To restore the intended mobility, Sectra introduced the Tiger 7401 equally a replacement for the Tiger XS. The Tiger 7401 is a custom made mobile telephone alongside TEMPEST verified pattern that is capable of encrypting telephone calls past times itself. In 2014, this novel device was ordered to supersede the Tiger XS for high-level officials of the Dutch Ministery of Defense.


The encryption algorithms used past times the Sectra Tiger XS are secret, so nosotros don't know whether world measure algorithms similar AES in addition to ECDH are used, or ones that are peculiarly designed for the Dutch government, or a combination thereof. The algorithms in addition to the encryption keys are created past times the National Communications Security Bureau (Dutch: Nationaal Bureau voor Verbindingsbeveiliging or NBV), which is component subdivision of the General Intelligence in addition to Security Service AIVD.

This bureau has approved the Tiger XS for communications upwards to in addition to including the grade Secret (in Dutch marked equally Stg. Geheim) inward 2007. In the Netherlands, there's no telephone that is approved for communications at the grade Top Secret (Stg. Zeer Geheim), so these matters cannot hold upwards discussed over phones that usage world networks. This is dissimilar from the US, where at that spot are secure telephones approved for Top Secret in addition to fifty-fifty above.

Encrypted communications are solely possible if both parties have got the same key: the sender to encrypt the message in addition to the receiver to decrypt it. This way that all people to which the prime number government minister needs a secure line, also have got to have got a Tiger XS. That's why nosotros tin reckon this device also on the desk of for instance the Dutch unusual minister:

The desk of the Dutch unusual government minister inward 2013. Between the computer
in addition to a Cisco 7965 IP telephone nosotros reckon the Sectra Tiger XS Office.
(photo: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken - Click for the total picture)


Besides encrypting telephone calls in addition to text messages, the Tiger XS also provides user authentication, so 1 tin hold upwards for sure to verbalize to the correct person. For the actual implementation of these features at that spot are centrally managed user groups.

This remote management, which includes supplying up-to-date phonebooks in addition to encryption keys for the Tiger XS devices is provided past times Fox-IT, a Dutch cybersecurity fellowship founded inward 1999. Since Dutch dry reason secrets are involved, it is considered essential that this remote administration is inward the hands of a trusted Dutch partner.

In Nov 2015, Fox-IT was taken over past times the British cybersecurity fellowship NCC, in addition to although the Dutch regulations regarding dry reason secrets all the same fully apply, it was announced inward Apr 2016 that an independent committee would investigate whether the take-over could touching on the Dutch national security.

The partnership betwixt Fox-IT for the administration in addition to Sectra equally the supplier of the hardware was established inward 2007 past times the VECOM (Veilige Communicatie or Secure Communications) contract. Under this contract all Dutch cabinet members in addition to high-level officials of their departments are provided alongside secure phones.


The Tiger XS has also been installed at all authorities departments inward society to provide secure fax transmissions, for instance to distribute the necessary documents for the weekly Council of Ministers meeting. Dutch embassies in addition to state of war machine units deployed overseas belike also usage the Tiger XS for securing satellite communications. For this, Sectra also made a manpack communications laid which uses the Tiger XS.

The fact that the Tiger XS uses highly sensitive technology in addition to hugger-mugger encryption methods, also way that it is non possible to usage this device to laid secure telephone calls to for instance unusual heads of state. That's the argue why, equally nosotros tin reckon inward the motion-picture exhibit below, prime number government minister Rutte used his measure non-secure telephone when he was called past times United States of America of America president Obama inward 2010:

Prime government minister Mark Rutte talks alongside president Obama
In front end of him is belike his Blackberry
(photo: RVD, Nov 2, 2010)

The mobile phones of prime number government minister Rutte

Besides the 3 landline telephones, electrical current prime number government minister Mark Rutte also uses an iPhone four in addition to a Blackberry. He is seen alongside these devices on several photos in addition to Rutte also confirmed that he uses a Blackberry when he publicly admitted that it accidently vicious into a can inward Jan 2011.

The iPhone is belike his individual phone, because the Blackberry is the device used past times Rutte's ain Department of General Affairs, equally good equally past times other departments, including those of Foreign Affairs in addition to Social Affairs. Blackberrys are preferred past times many companies in addition to governments because they provide measure end-to-end encryption for chat in addition to email messages through the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES).

Prime government minister Rutte showing his iPhone during
a schoolhouse see inward Heerhugowaard, September 3, 2014

Blackberrys practise non encrypt voice, but the Dutch estimator safety fellowship approved for communications at the lowest Dutch classification grade (Departementaal Vertrouwelijk) inward 2012, but whether authorities departments genuinely usage it, is non known.

Without this safety measure, telephone calls from both the iPhone in addition to the Blackberry of prime number government minister Rutte tin rather easily hold upwards intercepted past times unusual intelligence agencies, only similar NSA plainly did alongside the non-secure prison theatre cellular telephone phone of his High German counterpart.

The prime number minister's phones inward 2006

The telephones that are currently installed inward the component subdivision of prime number government minister Mark Rutte tin hold upwards compared alongside those from his predecessor, prime number government minister Jan Peter Balkenende. From his component subdivision nosotros have got this picture, which gives a smashing sentiment on the communication devices on his desk:

Former prime number government minister Jan Peter Balkenende (left) beingness interviewed
past times Willem Breedveld (right) inward his Torentje office, May 2006.
(photo: Werry Crone/Trouw - Click for the total picture)

In this motion-picture exhibit nosotros reckon from the left to the correct the next 3 phones, all of them provided past times KPN, the old dry reason owned landline operator of the Netherlands:
1. Ericsson DBC212 (black)
2. Siemens Vox 415 (gray)
3. Ericsson Vox 120 (white)

1. The Ericsson DBC212

This is the same telephone which is all the same inward usage today, equally nosotros could reckon inward the pictures above. It's a mutual component subdivision telephone made past times the Swedish fellowship Ericsson in addition to which is component subdivision of the internal individual branch substitution (PBX) network of the Department of General Affairs.

2. The Siemens Vox 415

The nighttime greyish Vox 415 was an ordinary telephone from a serial that was manufactured past times Siemens for both abode in addition to component subdivision use. For individual customers this model was sold past times KPN nether the cite Bari 10.

This telephone has no safety features whatsoever, but equally it is inward the same house where afterwards the Sectra Tiger XS Office sits, it seems really probable the Vox 415 was also used for secure communications.

For that, it was belike connected to a split upwards encryption device, perhaps 1 that was compatible alongside the PNVX, the secure telephone which was manufactured past times Philips in addition to used past times the Dutch authorities since the belatedly 1980s.

3. The Ericsson Vox 120

The Vox 120 was the trouble concern version of a telephone developed past times Ericsson around 1986 in addition to that was sold for abode usage nether the cite Twintoon. Attached to the dorsum is a split upwards speaker unit of measurement so a 3rd somebody tin hear inward to a conversation.

In the bottom left corner the telephone has a dark label alongside its extension release for the National Emergency Network (Dutch: Nationaal Noodnet or NN). This was a split upwards network which enabled authorities agencies to communicate alongside emergency services when Earth telephone network collapsed.

The National Emergency Network was established inward 1991 in addition to was operated past times KPN. It had some 5500 connections for 2500 destination users, similar the departments of the national government, metropolis halls, hospitals, in addition to local constabulary in addition to fire fighter headquarters. As of Jan 2012, it was replaced past times the IP-based Emergency Communications Provision NCV (see above).

Links in addition to sources
- Background article inward Dutch: De wereld van staatsgeheim geheim (2007)
- Academic newspaper near Secure Text Communication for the Tiger XS (pdf) (2006)
- The outset version: Tiger XS Mobile safety terminal (2005)

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