Sabtu, 20 April 2019

Wikileaks Published Only About Of The Well-Nigh Undercover Nsa Reports As Well As Then Far

(Updated: September 21, 2017)

Last Tuesday, June 23, the website RAMPART-A is "NSA's unconventional especial access program". This is well-nigh cable tapping inward cooperation amongst Third Party partner agencies, but seems non the agency to larn access to local regime telephone calls.

In i case, the source is "Foreign Satellite" (or FORNSAT), which is the traditional interception of the downlinks of communication satellites. This method was in all likelihood used because president Hollande visited his American counterpart inward Washington a few days earlier.

In nonetheless i other case, the method is "Unidentified", as well as although Wikileaks says it's well-nigh an "intercepted communication", the actual study exclusively reflects the positions of president Sarkozy, without mentioning a conversation counterpart.

Google globe catch of the USA diplomatic mission inward Paris, where a articulation NSA-CIA unit
of the SCS is stationed. The edifice inward the pump has a rooftop
construction that is in all likelihood used for spying purposes.
(Click to enlarge)


Looking at the classification grade of the reports shows that they are TOP SECRET//COMINT-GAMMA when the president is involved inward the conversation. Intercepted communications betwixt ministers and/or elevation grade advisors, diplomats as well as regime officials are "only" classified every bit TOP SECRET//COMINT.

Three of the reports accept the dissemination marker NOFORN, pregnant they may non survive released to foreigners. The other ii may survive released to officials amongst a need-to-know from agencies of the Five Eyes community.

Four of the reports also accept the marker ORCON, pregnant the originator controls dissemination of a document, for illustration yesteryear imposing that it has to survive viewed inward a secured area, or yesteryear non allowing copies to survive made.

The GAMMA compartment

Probably most remarkable well-nigh these reports is that they are from the GAMMA compartment, which protects highly sensitive communication intercepts. It was already used inward the belatedly 1960s for intercepted telephone calls from Soviet leaders.

The overwhelming bulk of the Snowden-documents is classified TOP SECRET//COMINT, amongst COMINT beingness the command organisation for signals intelligence which covers almost anything the NSA does. All those powerpoint presentations, wiki pages as well as daily draw of piece of employment concern reports are so non the agency's biggest secrets.

It is non clear whether Snowden had access to the GAMMA compartment. So far, no such documents accept been published, except for five internal NSA Wiki pages, for which the highest possible classification was TOP SECRET//SI-GAMMA/TALENT KEYHOLE/etc., but without GAMMA information beingness seen inward them.

Only a few of the Snowden documents that accept been published accept a to a greater extent than especial classification: nosotros accept seen a document from the UMBRA command system, every bit good every bit from the ECI RAGTIME, but it is possible that Snowden found these every bit component of his chore to movement documents that were non inward the correct place, given their classification level.

Serial number & fourth dimension stamp

Besides the source as well as the topic, there's also a series number as well as a timestamp below each report. The fourth dimension is presented according to the touchstone armed services notation. 161711Z for illustration stands for the 16th day, 17 hours as well as eleven minutes ZULU (= Greenwich Mean) Time, amongst the calendar month as well as the twelvemonth beingness that of the detail briefing.

The series number is inward the format for NSA's serialized reports, for illustration Z-G/OO/503643-12. According to the 2010 NSA SIGINT Reporter's Style as well as Usage Manual (.pdf), such a series number consists of a code for the classification level, the Producer Designator Digraph (PDDG), a one-up annual number, as well as the terminal ii digits of the twelvemonth inward which the study was issued. For the classification level, the next codes are known:

1 = Confidential(?)
2 = Secret
three = Top Secret
  southward = ?
E = ?
I = ?
  Z-G = Top Secret/Comint-Gamma
Z-3 = Top Secret/Comint

The Producer Designator Digraph (PDDG) consists of a combination of ii letters and/or numbers as well as designates a detail "collector", but it's non clear what just that means. The series numbers mentioned inward the reports well-nigh French Republic all accept OO every bit PDDG. That i is non associated amongst a specific interception facility, as well as so it mightiness survive a dummy used to truly shroud the source inward reports for people exterior the agency.

According to the 1996 mass Secret Power yesteryear Nicky Hager, the 5 UKUSA partners accept the next identification codes: GCHQ: AA, DSD: EE, GCSB: II, NSA: OO, CSE: UU, which indicates that OO inward the serialized study numbers agency they were produced yesteryear NSA.

Tasking database records

Besides the NSA intelligence reports, Wikileaks also published an database extract which includes the (landline and/or mobile) telephone numbers of important French political as well as economical targets, including the component of the President.

Because this listing is well-nigh telephone numbers, it seems most probable from a database organisation codenamed OCTAVE, which kept the selectors used for instructing the diverse collection facilities. It was reportedly replaced yesteryear the Unified Targeting Tool (UTT) inward 2011.

Entries from an NSA tasking database amongst French regime targets
(Source: Wikileaks - Click to enlarge)

TOPI: Stands for Target Office of Primary Interest, which is the NSA unit of measurement inward the Analysis & Production sectionalization where the interceptions are analysed as well as intelligence reports are produced. In the listing nosotros come across the next TOPIs, all component of the so-called Product Line for International Security Issues (S2C):
S2C13: Europe, Strategic Partnerships & Energy SIGDEV *
S2C32: European States Branch
S2C51: (unknown)

Selector: Shows the detail identifier to choose the communications that accept to survive collected, inward this illustration a telephone number. +33 is the province code for France, the 3rd digit beingness a 1 agency that it's a landline (Paris expanse code), beingness a half dozen agency it's a mobile phone.

Subscriber_ID: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 description of the subscriber of the selector telephone number:
- President of the Republic (cell phone)
- Presidential advisor for Africa (landline, date: 101215)
- Director for Global Public Property of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (cell phone)
- Government communications pump at the Elysée palace (landline)
- Diplomatic advisor at the Elysée palace (cell phone)
- Secretary full general at the Elysée palace (cell phone)
- Spokesman of the unusual government minister (cell phone)
- Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE, prison theatre cellular telephone phone)
- Presidential advisor for Africa (landline, date: 101214)
- Secretary of State for European Affairs (cell phone)
- Secretary of State for Trade (cell phone)
- Ministry of Agriculture SWBD (landline)
- Ministry of Finance, Economy as well as Budget (landline, for S2C32)
- Ministry of Finance, Economy as well as Budget (landline, for S2C51)
- Government air transportation fly (landline)

Information_Need: The collection requirement derived from the National SIGINT Requirements List (NSRL), which is a daily updated compendium of the tasks given to the diverse Signals Intelligence collection units around the world. These needs accept a code number, consisting of the twelvemonth inward which the demand was established, followed yesteryear a number that refers to a specific topic:
165: France: Political Affairs
204: France: Economic Developments
388: Germany: Political Affairs (see Merkel-entry below)
1136: European Union: Political Affairs
2777: Multi-country: International Finance developments
From all its allies, the USA was most interested inward French Republic - according to the 1985 version of the NSRL, which fell inward the hands of East Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany as well as was eventually returned inward 1992.

TOPI_Add_Date: According to Wikileaks this is the engagement of tagging of the entry amongst the responsible TOPI. These dates appear to survive inward the format yymmdd, which agency they are either Dec fourteen or Dec 15, 2010.

Priority: The priority of the detail Information Need, probable derived from the National Intelligence Priority Framework (NIPF, a reconstruction of which tin dismiss survive found How NSA targeted chancellor Merkel's mobile phone

What many people don't realize, is that this database tape well-nigh Merkel wasn't from the Snowden-documents. Der Spiegel received it from some other source that was never identified, which was and Bruce Schneier (this seems to exclude the selection that individual amongst access to the Snowden-documents leaked this on his own).

Because the tasking records well-nigh French Republic are really similar, as well as most probable from the same database every bit the i well-nigh chancellor Merkel, it's really good possible that they are from the same source. Because keeping an optic on unusual governments is a legitimate task, this source is non a whistleblower. He or she could survive a cryptoanarchist, or perhaps fifty-fifty an agent of a unusual intelligence agency.

Perhaps Wikileaks itself also doesn't know who the source is, because terminal May, it The Washington Post from July 5, 2014. These intercepts came "from a repository hosted at the NSA’s Kunia regional facility inward Hawaii, which was shared yesteryear a grouping of analysts who specialize inward Southeast Asian threats as well as targets".


Some perspective

French prime number government minister Manuel Valls strongly condemned these spying activities, but that was of course of pedagogy only for show. France's ain unusual intelligence service DGSE is well-known for its aggressive industrial espionage against American as well as High German companies, as well as for illustration also targeted one-time USA president George W. Bush as well as unusual secretarial assistant Madeleine Albright.

On the other hand, the French regime was good aware of the safety risks, every bit inward 2010 it Trois présidents français espionnés par les Etats-Unis
- NSA spähte Frankreichs Staatsspitze aus

- See also the thread on Hacker News

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