Senin, 02 September 2019

Nsa's Global Interception Network

(Updated: August 29, 2017)

On Nov 23, the Dutch paper The equipment aboard an EP-3E electronic surveillance plane

3rd PARTY/LIAISON (Intelligence sharing)

As the showtime degree of access, the slide lists the so-called 3rd Party liaisons amongst partner agencies inwards other countries amongst which NSA has formal agreements for the central of raw information in addition to destination production reports.

The legend designates 3rd Party Liaisons amongst a dark-green dot, but at that topographic point are no dark-green dots on the map, which seems strange. One possible explanation could last that the dissimilar colored dots seem 1 past times 1 after clicking the master copy powerpoint presentation, but according to a tweet of 1 of the NRC journalists, at that topographic point were no dark-green dots on the master copy map.

Another possible explanation is that 3rd Party stands for countries, whereas all other dots stand upwards for specific facilities. This all the same could bring been solved past times only listing the nations precisely similar the Regional in addition to Fornsat lists at the meridian of the map.

With that non beingness the case, the most probable argue seems to last that NSA considers the names of these 3rd Party nations to last also sensitive to last mentioned inwards a TOP SECRET//COMINT document. Probably they may exclusively last inwards documents classified inside the Exceptionally Controlled Information (ECI) command system, precisely similar the names of the telecommunications companies cooperating amongst NSA (the exact locations in addition to fifty-fifty the codenames of the cable tapping facilities are also non mentioned inwards the map's legend).

This makes that it's soundless a large secret which xxx countries are NSA's 3rd political party partners. Based upon the Snowden-documents, the German linguistic communication mag Der Spiegel exclusively published the names of these half dozen European countries:
- Germany
- France
- Austria
- Denmark
- Belgium
- Poland
Some sources also named the next countries every bit 3rd political party partners:
- Norway
- Italy
- Greece
- Turkey
- Israel
- South-Africa
  - Thailand
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Japan
- South-Korea
- Taiwan
NRC Handelsblad reported that Holland is a 3rd political party partner too, but presented no bear witness for that. According to an El Mundo published an undated document showing cooperation amongst diverse countries on 4 dissimilar levels. The showtime grouping is called "Tier A" which is "Comprehensive Cooperation" amongst the UK, Australia, Canada in addition to New Zealand (the Five Eyes). The instant grouping is "Tier B" in addition to is nearly "Focused Cooperation" amongst some xx countries. The tertiary grouping of "Limited cooperation" consists of countries such every bit France, Israel, Republic of Republic of India in addition to Pakistan. Finally, the 4th grouping is nearly "Exceptional Cooperation" amongst countries that the USA considers to last hostile to its interests.

The full general interpretation of this document is that is shows countries amongst which NSA is cooperating for Computer Network Operations (CNO), amongst the Tier B countries in all likelihood beingness a subset of the Third Party nations.

The listing has no date, but it does bring a declassification engagement (20291123), which minus 25 years (the measure classification period) would hateful the document is from 2004. That opens upwards the possibility that Tier B mightiness genuinely present that inwards 2004 at that topographic point were precisely xx Third Party countries, a issue which in addition to then mightiness bring raised to xxx past times 2012.
H5N1 unusual affair nearly the listing is that it's exclusively classified every bit CONFIDENTIAL, where the text document itself is SECRET//COMINT.

REGIONAL (Special Collection Service)

Under "Regional" the map shows over eighty locations of the articulation NSA-CIA Special Collection Service (SCS) units. These units are covertly based inwards USA embassies in addition to consulates all some the globe in addition to are charged amongst eavesdropping on high-level targets inwards difficult-to-reach places, such a unusual embassies, communications centers, in addition to unusual authorities installations.

The names of 88 locations are listed at the meridian of the map, but 46 of them are blacked out. According to NRC Handelsblad, Glenn Greenwald asked them to practice so, because of "protection of the source in addition to the understanding nosotros bring amongst him: it's non genuinely newsworthy". But Snowden patently also insisted on this inwards gild to protect his legal interests in addition to thus he provided Greenwald a "clear list" nearly categories of information that should non last published.

Earlier, a map showing SCS locations worldwide was published past times the German linguistic communication mag Der Spiegel. Initially an unredacted map was seat online past times accident, but before it was replaced, it was already copied onto several websites. This map showed 74 staffed SCS locations, fourteen unmanned remote controlled locations in addition to 8 other locations every bit of August 2010. Except for the SCS locations inwards Europe, the names of all other cities were blurred past times Der Spiegel:

If nosotros compare the European cities inwards this map from 2010 amongst those inwards the NRC map from 2012, nosotros run across that the latter doesn't present the next places: Baiku, Croughton, Kiev, Madrid, Moscow, in addition to Tbilisi.

This could hateful these SCS activities were terminated inwards the meantime, but also that their names were only blacked out, which is definitely the instance for Moscow in addition to Madrid (having a dot on the map but non beingness mentioned inwards the legend) in addition to seems probable for the technical SCS back upwards facility at the USA Air Force base of operations inwards Croughton (or mightiness this last "RESC" if it stands for something similar Regional Exploitation Support Center?).
The latter option was confirmed inwards a slide showing a map of all SCS locations every bit of Jan 1, 2002, which was published past times the Italian paper L'Espresso on Dec 6:

Also interesting is that the legend of the 2012 map reveals SCS locations inwards the US:
- Langley, Virginia, where the CIA headquarters is
- Reston, Virginia, where there's a pocket-size CIA facility too
These 2 locations are most probable non for eavesdropping, but rather serve every bit technical, preparation or back upwards facilities. The headquarters of the Special Collection Service (SCS) itself is inwards Beltsville, Maryland.

CNE (Computer Network Exploitation)

The yellowish dots on the map give some indication of where NSA has placed over 50.000 implants inwards figurer networks every bit business office of it's Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) operations. These operations are conducted past times NSA's highly specialized in addition to secretive Tailored Access Operations (TAO) division.

In 2004 NSA was managing a pocket-size network of exclusively 100 to 150 implants. But over the side past times side half dozen to viii years, (TAO) recruited novel hackers in addition to developed novel malware tools, the issue of implants soared to tens of thousands. Based on the secret budget of the American intelligence agencies, the Washington Post reported that NSA installed an estimated 20,000 figurer implants every bit early on every bit 2008.

Other reports dot that meanwhile the means has already deployed betwixt 85,000 in addition to 100,000 of its implants against computers in addition to networks across the world, amongst plans to croak along on scaling upwards those numbers.

Compared to these numbers of implants, there's exclusively a really pocket-size issue of yellowish dots on the map, so they in all likelihood supply exclusively an indication of the regions where NSA placed most of them. As such nosotros run across India, China, Mexico, the northern business office of South-America, north-east Africa, eastern Europe, the European business office of Russian Federation in addition to the Middle-East.

It was in all likelihood TAO, possibly inwards collaboration amongst Israeli intelligence services, that developed the Stuxnet figurer worm, which was discovered inwards 2010 in addition to was supposedly created to laid on Iranian nuclear facilities.

From the Snowden-leaks nosotros know that Tailored Access Operations uses a broad multifariousness of sophisticated hacking tools to gain access to unusual figurer networks. For example, they operate a network of secret mesh servers, codenamed FOXACID, which is used to attract the traffic of targets, inwards gild to install spying software on their computers.

Under codenames similar ERRONEOUSINGENUITY in addition to EGOTISTICALGIRAFFE, TAO is also trying to instruct access to the TOR network, which enables amount anonymity patch using the internet.

Slide from a TAO presentation nearly exploiting the TOR network

LARGE CABLE (Access to the Internet Backbone)

The large bluish dots stand upwards for xx major "covert, clandestine, or cooperative large accesses" to "high speed optical cable" links which cast the mesh backbone. It's this way that the Special Source Operations (SSO) segmentation collects the largest portion of NSA's intelligence. Maybe thus the bluish dots are the biggest ones.

The map itself shows precisely xvi bluish dots, but every bit the legend says "20 Access Programs" it's possible that at that topographic point are xx programs in addition to exclusively xvi actual intercept locations, or that non all locations are marked on the map (which is also the instance for the FORNSAT locations).

The xvi Cable Access locations marked on the map seem to last in:
- Indonesia
- South Korea
- Guam
- Caroline Islands?
- Hawaii
- 4 locations at the USA West coast
- 2 locations at the USA East coast
- Cornwall, UK
- French Republic (Marseille?)
- Republic of Djibouti
- Sultanate of Oman
- Afghanistan?

In most of these countries there's an American state of war machine base, which in all likelihood makes it easier to instruct covert in addition to undercover access to mesh backbone cables. But every bit nosotros know from before reports, NSA in addition to GCHQ also bring secret cooperation arrangements amongst major American, British in addition to unusual telecommunications in addition to mesh providers, inwards gild to instruct access to mesh traffic.

One supposed cable tapping location that's missing on the map is the FAIRVIEW (cooperation amongst AT&T, since 1985)
- STORMBREW (cooperation amongst Verizon, since 2001)
- Through corporate partners exterior the US:
- OAKSTAR (cooperation amongst vii telecoms, since 2004):
- ORANGECRUSH (through PRIMECANE partner)
- YACHTSHOP (through BLUEANCHOR partner)
Most of these OAKSTAR sub-programs are "foreign access points", so possibly they, or some of them are represented past times the bluish dots on the map.

Besides cable access through corporate partners, the SSO segmentation also taps mesh traffic inwards 2 other ways, which are shown inwards the presentation slide below:
- Through unilateral operations:
- RAMPART-M (undersea cables, since 1986)
- RAMPART-T (land-based cables, amongst CIA, since 1991)
- RAMPART-I/X (Iraq/Afghanistan, since 2001)
- DANCINGOASIS (since 2011)
- MYSTIC (since 2009), including:
- DUSKPALLET (GSM metadata from Kenya)
- EVENINGEASEL (GSM metadata from Mexico)
- VENATOR (GSM metadata from the Phillippines)
- SOMALGET (audio content buffer), including:
- BASECOAT (Bahamas)
- SCALAWAG (Afghanistan)
- OILYRAG (Afghanistan)
- LOLLYGAG (Afghanistan)
- ACIDWASH (Afghanistan)
- Through unusual partners:
- WINDSTOP (2nd Party), including:
- Two undisclosed programs
- RAMPART-A (3rd Party), amongst at to the lowest degree five sites:

If nosotros add together upwards all these Corporate, Unilateral in addition to Foreign cable access programs, nosotros instruct a amount of some xx programs, which equals the issue of xx Major Accesses mentioned inwards the legend of the map.

H5N1 slide from a 2010 presentation of the Special Source Operations (SSO)
segmentation nearly access to "high-capacity telecommunications systems"

Slides from to a greater extent than recent years reveal the names of the programs that were redacted inwards the slide above, every bit good every bit additional programs that afterward became operational:

Slide nearly NSA's cable tapping programs from 2011 in addition to 2013
(click to enlarge)

FORNSAT (Foreign Satellite interception)

Finally, the orangish dots on the map stand upwards for locations where at that topographic point are stations for intercepting the signals of unusual communication satellites. The orangish dots are the instant biggest ones, so possibly this indicates that FORNSAT collection provides the instant largest portion of intelligence.

The legend inwards the bottom correct corner says at that topographic point are "12 + xl Regional" FORNSAT stations, but on the map at that topographic point are exclusively 6 dots in addition to the listing inwards the upper correct corner lists exclusively 10 codenames. The half dozen locations on the map tin last identified as:
- INDRA - Khon Kuen (Thailand)
- ? - (Philippines)
- LADYLOVE - Misawa (Japan)
- TIMBERLINE - Sugar Grove (US)
- CARBOY - Bude, on the map combined with:
- MOONPENNY - Menwith Hill (Great Britain)
- ? - Skibsbylejren (Denmark)

Five FORNSAT stations bring their codename listed, but are, for reasons unknown, non marked on the map:
- STELLAR - Geraldton (Australia)
- IRONSAND - Waihopai (New Zealand)
- JACKKNIFE - Yakima (US)
- SOUNDER - Ayios Nikolaos (Cyprus)
- SNICK - close Seeb (Oman)

The locations inwards the map published past times NRC Handelsblad tin last compared to those on a map shown past times Brazilian media, which is nearly Primary FORNSAT Collection:

In this map, which is said to last from 2002, nosotros run across the next satellite intercept stations:
US Sites:
- TIMBERLINE, Sugar Grove (US)
- CORALINE, Sabena Seca (Puerto Rico)
- SCS, Brasilia (Brazil)
- MOONPENNY, Harrogate (Great Britain)
- GARLICK, Bad Aibling (Germany)
- LADYLOVE, Misawa (Japan)
- LEMONWOOD, Thailand
- SCS, New Delhi (India)
  2nd Party Sites:
- CARBOY, Bude (Great Britain)
- SOUNDER, Ayios Nikolaos (Cyprus)
- SNICK, close Seeb (Oman)
- SCAPEL, Nairobi (Kenya)
- STELLAR, Geraldton (Australia)
- SHOAL BAY, Darwin (Australia)
- IRONSAND, New Zealand

If nosotros compare both maps, nosotros run across some notable differences. First of all, 4 stations from 2002 are non on the 2012 map, nor inwards its legend:
- CORALINE - Sabena Seca (Puerto Rico)
- GARLICK - Bad Aibling (Germany)
- SCAPEL - Nairobi (Kenya)
- SHOAL BAY - Darwin (Australia)

The station inwards Sabena Seca was unopen downwards in addition to the same has in all likelihood happened to the 1 inwards Nairobi.

NSA's large satellite intercept station Bad Aibling was unopen inwards 2004, but most of the facilities, including nine of the large satellite dishes hidden nether white radomes, were handed over to the German linguistic communication unusual intelligence means BND. In return, BND had to portion the results from the satellite collection amongst the NSA. For this cooperation, the Joint SIGINT Activity (JSA, 2004-2012) was laid up, located inwards the nearby Mangfall Barracks.

The Australian intercept facility close Darwin, N.S.A. Report Outlined Goals for More Power

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