Minggu, 07 Juli 2019

The National Safety Way Inwards 2002

During the yesteryear year, a issue of slides from a 2002 NSA presentation titled "National Security Agency: Overview Briefing" were disclosed every bit role of the Snowden-leaks.

This presentation every bit a whole would bring been a bully comprehensive overview of the construction together with the mission of NSA at the outset of this millennium, but until forthwith exactly 6 slides were made public, widely scattered over a menstruum of almost a twelvemonth together with media from 3 continents, almost every bit to foreclose people getting to run across the whole picture.

All slides from this presentation tin endure recognized yesteryear their rather overloaded bluish background, combining the seals of NSA together with CSS, a globe, numerous ones together with zeros representing digital communications, together with a fancy photoshopped lens flare. In a issue of slides, the font type of the classification marker looks different, which could dot that the presentation was altered and/or re-used several times.

This slide was published yesteryear Brasilian media inwards July 2013. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 somewhat distorted version (pdf) was published yesteryear Der Spiegel on June 18, 2014. It shows a globe map amongst all the locations where there's a satellite intercept station, which is used for the collection of unusual satellite (FORNSAT) communications.

Nine stations are operated yesteryear NSA, including ii every bit role of an SCS unit of measurement (see below), together with vii stations operated yesteryear sec Party partners, inwards this example Great Britain, Commonwealth of Australia together with New Zealand:
US Sites:
- TIMBERLINE, Sugar Grove (US)
- CORALINE, Sabena Seca (Puerto Rico)
- SCS, Brasilia (Brazil)
- MOONPENNY, Harrogate (Great Britain)
- GARLICK, Bad Aibling (Germany)
- LADYLOVE, Misawa (Japan)
- LEMONWOOD, Thailand
- SCS, New Delhi (India)
  2nd Party Sites:
- CARBOY, Bude (Great Britain)
- SOUNDER, Ayios Nikolaos (Cyprus)
- SNICK, nigh Seeb (Oman)
- SCAPEL, Nairobi (Kenya)
- STELLAR, Geraldton (Australia)
- SHOAL BAY, Darwin (Australia)
- IRONSAND, Waihopai (New Zealand)

All these satellite intercept stations were interconnected, together with it was this network that became publicly known every bit ECHELON. Revelations nearly this eavesdropping scheme inwards the belatedly 1990s led to world together with political scandalise together with subsequent investigations real similar to what happened since the outset of the Snowden-leaks.

Until the novel millennium, international communications travelled via satellite links, which made ECHELON i of NSA's most of import collection systems. But since then, international traffic has shifted almost solely to fiber-optic cables, making this the agency's electrical flow issue i source.

We bring no slide nearly NSA's cable tapping capabilities inwards 2002, but from other sources nosotros know that at that spot were at to the lowest degree 3 programs operational exterior the US:
- RAMPART-M for access to undersea cables
- RAMPART-T for land-based cables, inwards cooperation amongst CIA
- RAMPART-A for cable access inwards cooperation amongst tertiary Party partner agencies

This slide was published yesteryear the Italian newspaper L'Espresso on Dec 6, 2013. It i time once again shows a globe map, this fourth dimension amongst the names of over lxxx cities where there's a articulation NSA-CIA Special Collection Service (SCS) unit. These units operate covertly from within a US diplomatic mission or consulate to larn access to targets that are hard to achieve otherwise. The names of cities inwards countries that are hostile to the US are redacted yesteryear the paper.

There are every bit good iv "Survey Sites" together with vii "Future Survey Sites", but at acquaint it is non clear what that means. Finally, at that spot are ii Technical Support sites: PSA inwards Bangkok, Thailand, together with RESC (Regional Exploitation Support Center?) at the US Air Force base of operations inwards Croughton, UK. The headquarters of the Special Collection Service (SCS) itself is inwards Beltsville, Maryland.

This slide was published yesteryear Der Spiegel on June 18, 2014. It shows a globe map amongst the locations where there's a Cryptologic Support Group (CSG). These CSGs are role of the signals tidings together with cryptologic branches of the 5 US Armed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard), which together shape the Central Security Service (CSS) - the tactical role of NSA.

Cryptologic Support Groups render advice together with assistance on SIGINT reporting together with dissemination together with are located at all major US armed forces ascendency headquarters, both within together with exterior the United States. The locations of Cryptologic Support Groups inwards 2002 were:
- STRATCOM: US Strategic Command, Omaha
- TRANSCOM: US Transportation Command, Belleville
- USSPACECOM: US Space Command, Colorado Springs
- JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command, Spring Lake
- State Department, Washington
- NMJIC: National Military Joint Intelligence Center, Washington
- CIA: Central Intelligence Agency, Langley
- ONI: Office of Naval Intelligence, Suitland
- San Francisco
- FORSCOM: US Army Forces Command, Fort Bragg
- JFCOM: US Joint Forces Command, Norfolk
- SOCOM: US Special Operations Command, MacDill AFB
- CENTCOM: US Central Command, MacDill AFB
- Key West (Naval Air Station)
- SOUTHCOM: US Southern Command, Doral
- EUCOM: European Command, Molesworth
- NAVEUR: US Naval Forces Europe, London
- USAREUR: US Army Europe. Wiesbaden
- USAFE: US Air Forces inwards Europe, Ramstein
- EUCOM: European Command, Stuttgart
- USFK: US Forces Korea, Seoul
- Japan
- Hawaii (United States Pacific Command)

This large issue of CSG locations is i of the things that reflects the importance of NSA's armed forces mission, which is almost completely ignored inwards the Snowden-reportings (the slide was published rather unnoticed every bit role of a batch of 53 NSA-documents)

This slide was published inwards Greenwald's majority No Place To Hide on May 13, 2014. It shows what NSA saw every bit electrical flow threats inwards 2002, amongst an overlay that seems to bring been added after together with which lists a make of communication techniques. Greenwald says this slide shows that NSA every bit good counts these technologies, including the Internet, every bit threats to the US, proving that the US authorities sees this global network together with other types of communications technology scientific discipline every bit threats that undermine American power.*

This interpretation is rather far-fetched because inwards that case, pagers together with fax machines would every bit good endure a threat to the US. It's obvious the listing shows the means yesteryear which individuals together with organisations that threaten the US tin communicate - which of course of teaching is of import to know for a signals tidings agency similar NSA.

The actual threats listed inwards the slide are:
- Hackers
- Insiders
- Traditional Foreign Intelligence
- Foreign [...]
- Terrorists
- Criminal elements
- Developing nations

This slide was published inwards Greenwald's majority No Place To Hide on May 13, 2014. It says that NSA has alliances amongst over lxxx major global corporations supporting both missions (i.e. Signals Intelligence together with Information Assurance) together with presents the names of a issue of large American telecommuncations together with mesh companies, along amongst pictures of roughly old-fashioned communication devices.

Greenwald's majority says that inwards the master presentation, this slide follows roughly unpublished ones that are nearly "Defense (Protect U.S. Telecommunications together with Computer Systems Against Exploitation)" together with "Offense (Intercept together with Exploit Foreign Signals)".*

This slide was every bit good published inwards Greenwald's majority on May 13, 2014. It shows the 3 principal categories of "customers" of NSA, which are authorities together with armed forces organizations that tin asking together with have tidings reports. Besides other major US tidings agencies, nosotros run across that NSA industrial plant for civilian policy makers every bit good every bit for armed forces commanders, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) together with the Commanders-in-Chief (CINCs) downward to tactical commanders.

Greenwald uses this slide to dot to the Departments of Agriculture, Justice, Treasury together with Commerce, the mentioning of which he sees every bit proof for an economical motive of NSA's spying operations.* Although almost all countries (try to) spy inwards guild to larn data that tin endure usefull for their national economical interests, Greenwald is doing every bit if this sort of tidings is somehow off limits, together with thereby discrediting NSA.

> See also: NSA's global interception network inwards 2012

Links together with Sources
- National Security Agency: Transition 2001 (pdf)
- Declassified interview amongst NSA Director Michael Hayden (pdf) (2000)

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