Selasa, 16 Juli 2019

Nsa's Largest Cable Tapping Program: Dancingoasis

(Updated: June 7, 2015)

On May 13, Glenn Greenwald published his mass 'No Place To Hide' virtually the Snowden-disclosures. It doesn't comprise substantial novel revelations, but from 1 of the master copy documents inward it nosotros tin gain upwards one's hear that NSA's largest cable tapping programme is codenamed DANCINGOASIS, something which was non reported on earlier.

Here nosotros volition combine information from a issue of other documents in addition to sources to gain a somewhat to a greater extent than consummate moving-picture exhibit of the DANCINGOASIS program.

Special Source Operations

In Greenwald's mass in addition to on his website, the next nautical chart from NSA's BOUNDLESSINFORMANT tool was published. Although these charts are non ever slow to interpret, nosotros tin rather safely assume that this 1 gives the overview for NSA's Special Source Operations (SSO) division, which is responsible for collecting information from major telephony in addition to network cables in addition to switches.

During the 1 calendar month stream betwixt Dec 10, 2012 in addition to Jan 8, 2013, a full of to a greater extent than than 160 billion metadata records were counted, divided into 93 billion DNI (internet) information in addition to 67 billion DNR (telephony) data:

In the "Most Volume" department nosotros meet that the programme which collects most information is identified yesteryear the SIGINT Activity Designator (SIGAD) US-3171, a facility that is also known nether the codename DANCINGOASIS, which is sometimes abbreviated every bit DGO.

During the 1 calendar month stream covered yesteryear the chart, this programme collected 57.7 billion information records, which is to a greater extent than than twice every bit much every bit the programme that is second: US-3180, which is codenamed SPINNERET. Third is US-3145 or MOONLIGHTPATH in addition to quaternary DS-300 or INCENSER. This nautical chart volition live on analysed inward full general inward a separate article.


Previously it seemed that it was INCENSER that collected the biggest issue of data. H5N1 BOUNDLESSINFORMANT chart published inward Nov 2013 said that this programme gathered some xiv billion metadata a month. Now nosotros know that DANCINGOASIS is collecting almost 4 times every bit much: to a greater extent than than 57 billion records each month, or 684 billion every year.

Comparing some numbers learns us that DANCINGOASIS (57 bln.) accounts for to a greater extent than than a 3rd of everything the SSO segmentation collects (160 bln.). It is also far to a greater extent than than what is collected nether FAIRVIEW (6 bln.), which is 1 of the large domestic cable tapping programs that NSA operates inward cooperation amongst the States telecom providers.

Comparing DANCINGOASIS amongst the full issue of information that is collected worldwide during 1 calendar month early on 2013 (221 bln.), every bit presented inward the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT estrus map, nosotros meet that DANCINGOASIS lone seems to trouble organisation human relationship for almost a quarter of the entire NSA information collection.

Given this large share, it could live on that DANCINGOASIS is an umbrella programme which encompasses diverse smaller sub-programs. However, DANCINGOASIS is dissimilar from MYSTIC, which is an umbrella programme containing facilities that monitor at to the lowest degree 5 entire countries, every bit was revealed lately yesteryear Some numbers virtually NSA's information collection


Strangely plenty nosotros haven't (yet) read virtually DANCINGOASIS inward media reports, nor inward the mass of Glenn Greenwald, in addition to also nosotros haven't seen whatever slides or documents that specifically bargain amongst this program.
On July 9, 2014, Glenn Greenwald indicated on Reddit, that it was component subdivision of the understanding amongst Snowden non to expose anything virtually Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan in addition to other armed services operations, thus this mightiness live on the argue why Greenwald didn't expose anything virtually DANCINGOASIS.

But inward the mass 'Der NSA Komplex' written yesteryear ii journalists from the German linguistic communication mag Der Spiegel, there's to a greater extent than information. It says that the DANCINGOASIS programme started inward May 2011 in addition to monitors a fiber oculus cable betwixt Western Europe in addition to the Far East.*

It is non clarified what form of targets DANCINGOASIS collection is used for, but given the enormous amounts of information (57 billion), it has to live on from pinnacle priority countries from the Middle East. According to the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT estrus map, NSA collected to a greater extent than than 27 billion information a calendar month from Pakistan, 24 billion from Afghanistan, fifteen billion from Islamic Republic of Iran in addition to xiii billion from Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - all countries that are along the fiber oculus cables betwixt Europe in addition to the Far East.

Blocking address books

Such a huge collection of communications inevitably comes amongst information that are useless, similar for example address books from email accounts that are non related to target persons. Because the issue of these address books grew steadily, NSA started to block these from beingness ingested yesteryear installing the SCISSORS choice system.

This is shown inward slides published yesteryear The Washington Post on Oct 15, 2013. We meet that SCISSORS was enabled for DANCINGOASIS (US-3171) on March 13, 2012:


The slide on the correct shows ii codes associated amongst content collected nether DANCINGOASIS: DGOT in addition to DGOD. Similar codes for metadata are written reverse: TOGD in addition to DOGD respectively.


The systems which are used to procedure the information from DANCINGOASIS are listed inward the "Top 5 Tech" department of the SSO chart. Of the 4 most of import systems, 3 are used for processing network data: XKEYSCORE (42 bln.), TURMOIL (23 bln.) in addition to FALLOUT (12 bln.), amongst LOPERS (41 bln.) beingness a organisation for processing information derived from telephone networks.

This agency that at that spot are ii options regarding what form of information are collected nether the DANCINGOASIS program:
- Either 100% derived from the network in addition to and then beingness processed yesteryear a combination of the XKEYSCORE, TURMOIL in addition to FALLOUT systems;

- Or a mix of network in addition to telephony data, which are processed partly yesteryear the network processing systems in addition to partly yesteryear LOPERS.

Clarity virtually this tin exclusively live on provided yesteryear the soundless unpublished BOUNDLESSINFORMANT nautical chart virtually the DANCINGOASIS specifically, but the fact that information from this collection facility destination upwards inward ii separate databases (see below) could dot that 1 receives network information in addition to some other telephone communications.

Data filtering

The cable intercepted yesteryear DANCINGOASIS transfers 25 petabyte of communications information each day. Between 3 in addition to half dozen petabyte of them are beingness scanned yesteryear NSA computers. These systems search the information for keywords that are determined yesteryear NSA's targeting offices in addition to are derived from the topics inward the New York Times published a slide virtually SSO cyber operations, which indicates that DANCINGOASIS became operational inward June 2011. The remark "Need I meet more?" seems to confirm the importance of this really large cable access program:

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