Rabu, 19 Juni 2019

Nsa's Unusual Partnerships

(Updated: Feb 7, 2018)

For fulfilling its job of gathering unusual signals intelligence, the National Security Agency (NSA) is cooperating amongst partner agencies from over 35 countries all over the world.

These relationships are based upon surreptitious bilateral agreements, but in that place are also about select groups inwards which intelligence information is shared on a multilateral basis, similar the SIGINT Seniors Europe (SSEUR), the SIGINT Seniors Pacific (SSPAC) together with the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan SIGINT Coalition (AFSC).

Until recently, real lilliputian was known virtually these unusual relationships, but the Snowden-leaks receive got revealed the names of all the countries that are cooperating amongst NSA. This made it possible to create the next graphic, which also shows diverse multilateral intelligence telephone substitution groups, which volition live discussed hither too.

Nations amongst 2nd together with 3rd Party condition together with those who are
members of the SIGINT Seniors Europe (SSEUR) together with NATO
(click to enlarge)


2nd Party Partners

The closest cooperation is betwixt NSA together with the signals intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia together with New Zealand. Formally this is based upon a attain of bilateral agreements, the get-go existence the BRUSA (now known every bit UKUSA) Agreement on communications intelligence cooperation from March 5, 1946. Since 1993 this grouping has a multilateral character, which agency partners tin give the sack telephone substitution information amid the other members likewise (as far every bit there's a "need to know")

The 5 partners nether the UKUSA-agreement, unremarkably called the Five Eyes, agreed that they would follow mutual procedures for operations together with reporting, together with also utilization the same target identification systems, equipment, methods together with source designations. They would non entirely portion goal reports together with analyses, but also most of the raw information they collect.

As a sort of gentlemen's understanding it is supposed that the Five Eyes countries are non spying on each other, although about of the documents from the Snowden-leaks demo that at to the lowest degree NSA secretly keeps that pick open.


Five Eyes

United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Four Eyes

United States
United Kingdom

Three Eyes

United States
United Kingdom


Despite the real unopen together with longstanding human relationship betwixt the Five Eyes partners, 2 sub-groups receive got been formed for specific armed forces operations inwards which non all 5 partners participate. These sub-groups are designated Four Eyes (abbreviation for classification purposes: ACGU) together with Three Eyes (TEYE).

In Feb 2018 it was WINDSTOP. According to NSA's Foreign Partner Access budget for 2013 WINDSTOP involves primarily Britain, but also Canada, Commonwealth of Australia together with New Zealand together with focusses on access to (mainly internet) "communications into together with out of Europe together with the Middle East" through an integrated together with overarching collection system.


For maintaining these extensive relationships, NSA has liaison units inwards the Second Party countries. These are called Special US Liaison Offices (SUSLO), followed past times the call of the nation's capital. In 2003, in that place were three:
- Special US Liaison Office, London (SUSLOL, amongst liaison officers at GCHQ inwards Cheltenham)
- Special US Liaison Office, Ottawa (SUSLOO)
- Special US Liaison Office, Canberra (SUSLOC, which also handled dealings amongst New Zealand)

Likewise, the SIGINT agencies from the other Five Eyes countries receive got a senior representative at NSA headquarters. In 2003, these were called:
- Senior UK Liaison Office (SUKLO)
- Canadian Liaison Office (CANSLO)
- Australian Liaison Office (AUSLO)
- New Zealand Liaison Office (NZLO)

Slide from an NSA presentation titled 'Foreign Partner Review' from
financial twelvemonth 2013, showing the 2nd together with 3rd Party partners
together with about coalition together with multilateral telephone substitution groups.
Published inwards No Place To Hide, May 13, 2014.


3rd Party Partners

One measurement below the 2nd Party partnerships, there's cooperation betwixt NSA together with (signals) intelligence agencies from countries who are called 3rd Party partners. This is based upon formal agreements, but the actual range of the human relationship tin give the sack vary from province to province together with from fourth dimension to time. Details virtually the cooperation betwixt 2 countries are set downward inwards Memorandums of Understanding (MoU).

For the US, this sort of cooperation is useful because unusual agencies tin give the sack receive got amend access to high-priority targets because of their geographic location, or they could receive got a specific expertise on for certain areas, or precisely only because they receive got a amend cognition of the local province of affairs together with language.

The unusual partner agencies are by together with large interested inwards American technology, coin together with access to the worldwide interception capabilities of NSA together with its Five Eyes partners. This makes these 3rd Party partnerships specially attractive for smaller countries, for whom it agency a sometimes substantial increase of their otherwise express capabilities.

One large deviation amongst the countries from the 2nd Party category is that 3rd Party partners practise spy upon each other, together with many of the Snowden-documents receive got shown this. From these documents nosotros also learned that inwards 2013, in that place were 33 countries amongst 3rd Party status:







(19 countries)


Czech Republic






South Korea


3rd Parties
(33 countries)

Czech Republic


Saudi Arabia
South Korea











South Korea


The countries inwards the column nether "CNO" are from a listing which is inwards an undated NSA document virtually collaboration regarding El Mundo together with classifies cooperation on 4 dissimilar levels, which was also explained past times The Guardian.

The get-go grade is called "Tier H5N1 - Comprehensive Cooperation", which comprises Britain, Australia, Canada together with New Zealand. H5N1 minute group, called "Tier B - Focused Cooperation" includes the xix by together with large European countries listed above. H5N1 3rd grouping of "Limited cooperation" consists of countries such every bit France, Israel, Bharat together with Pakistan, together with lastly a 4th grouping is virtually "Exceptional Cooperation" amongst countries that the US considers to live hostile to its interests.

In May 2014, the listing amongst the "Tier A" together with "Tier B" countries was also published inwards Greenwald's mass No Place To Hide, where he ignores the fact that the document was virtually CNO cooperation together with only assumes that the "Tier B" countries are the same every bit those amongst 3rd Party status.*

Map showing the 2nd Party together with 3rd Party partners of NSA
(click to enlarge)

Cable tapping

NSA cooperates amongst the 3rd Party countries inwards many ways, 1 of which is inwards cable tapping operations. The NSA umbrella programme for this is codenamed RAMPART-A. According to NSA's Foreign Partner Access budget for 2013, RAMPART-A provides access to long-haul international leased communications, amongst TURMOIL capabilities, together with over 3 terabit/second of information from all "communication technologies such every bit voice, fax, telex, modem, email cyberspace chat, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Voice over IP (VoIP), together with vocalization telephone telephone records".


sixteen Third Party countries (Austria, Denmark, Ethiopia, Hungary, Israel, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea (South), Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden together with Taiwan) also SIGINT Seniors Europe

H5N1 novel multilateral intelligence sharing grouping seems to live the SIGINT Support to Cyber Defense (SSCD) initiative, which consists of a issue of countries that together flora an early-warning organisation to defend themselves against cyber attacks. Its existance was get-go mentioned on May 8, 2014 inwards a speech past times president Schindler of the German linguistic communication intelligence service BND, which is also cooperating inwards this SSCD framework. SSCD volition utilization traditional SIGINT methods to inspect information packets for things similar malicious code together with hence these tin give the sack live eliminated pro-actively.

From a document dated July 23, 2013 from the German linguistic communication parliamentary enquiry commission, which was published past times Wikileaks on Dec 1, 2016, nosotros acquire that "within the SSCD-working grouping of an international SIGINT coalition, BND exchanges information virtually the international detection of cyber attacks." This international SIGINT coalition is most probable the SSEUR or 14-Eyes group, which agency the SSCD-cooperation that Schindler mentioned inwards his spoken language seems to live an SSEUR sub-group similar to the SISECT.

SIGINT Seniors Pacific (SSPAC)

There's a similar grouping for multilateral telephone substitution of armed forces intelligence amid about 3rd political party nations from the East Asia/Pacific Rim region. Besides the members of the Five Eyes, the SIGINT Seniors Pacific include Singapore, Republic of Korea together with most probable Nippon together with Thailand. Probably 1 other province is participating too, making this grouping also existence identified every bit the 10-Eyes.

An NSA document disclosed past times The New Zealand Herald on March 11, 2015 says that the SSPAC consists of the Five Eyes addition France, India, (South) Korea, Singapore together with Thailand.

According to NSA's internal SIDtoday newsletter from June 9, 2005, a formal Principals Board together with Executive Board were established for the SSPAC together with its initial focus was to portion intelligence on counter-terrorism (CT), including banking information together with follow-the-people, inwards social club to furnish alarm of imminent terrorist threats to fellow member nations. Additional topics such every bit counter-proliferation would live considered later. NSA established a communications path to each of the SSPAC members for sharing CT products.
> More virtually the The 6, viii together with 10 Eyes
Afghanistan SIGINT Coalition (AFSC)

According to an NSA paper from 2013, this grouping consists of the same fourteen countries every bit the SSEUR together with is aimed at sharing Afghanistan-related intelligence reports together with metadata amid its participants. At the fourth dimension of the paper, each AFSC-member was responsible for roofing a specific surface area of interest, mayhap corresponding to the part inwards Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan where they had troops deployed.

Snowden together with Greenwald agreed non to issue virtually NSA's involvement inwards Afghanistan, but the German linguistic communication mass virtually the Snowden-leaks, Der NSA Komplex, reveals that the fourteen AFSC-members cooperated closely inwards decrypting together with analysing mobile communications together with receive got a dedicated information middle codenamed CENTER ICE for exchanging this sort of intelligence.*

This makes it probable that much of the metadata that diverse European countries shared amongst the US, mistakenly presented past times Glenn Greenwald every bit NSA spying on European citizens, was collected every bit component division of this Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan SIGINT Coalition.

Links together with Sources
- Lux ex Umbra: Five Eyes SIGINT governance: Meetings galore
- Stratfor.com: Five Eyes together with the Perils of an Asymmetric Alliance
- NSA document virtually Echelon together with its role inwards COMINT
- Declassified NSA newspaper virtually Third Party Nations: Partners together with Targets

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