Kamis, 07 Februari 2019

The 5-Year Anniversary Of This Weblog

Today is the 5-year anniversary of this weblog, then this fourth dimension nosotros volition await dorsum at the primary developments together with the highlights from the 108 articles that accept been published hither then far.

The really get-go posting was on Jan 18, 2012, together with contained a video close the White House Situation Room, providing a prissy await at the telecommunication equipment used at the highest marker of the U.S. government.

The get-go header of this weblog from Jan 2012, showing communications equipment
inwards the lookout middle of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)

Initially, this weblog was called Top Level Telecommunications, equally it was the intention to write close the communications equipment used yesteryear high-level regime together with armed forces officials.

This fills a gap, because close crypto equipment for secure communications, in that location were already about really practiced websites, similar those from Jerry Proc together with the Dutch Crypto Museum, spell for instance the White House Museum together with Cryptome provided corking photos of the phones used yesteryear the U.S. president, only without a to a greater extent than technical description of their functions.

In this way, a gain of articles were written close the diverse phones used yesteryear president Obama. Then inwards Oct 2012 in that location was an extensive slice close the most of import together with exclusive communications link inwards the world: the Washington-Moscow Hotline. For many people it was an eye-opener that in that location were truly no ruddy telephones on this hotline.

Besides the phones of the U.S. president, in that location were articles describing the telephone equipment used yesteryear the Israeli prime number minister, yesteryear the Dutch queen, yesteryear the popes, equally good equally yesteryear North-Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Also provided were a listing of highly secure mobile phones together with a solution yesteryear General Dynamics to secure high-end commercial smartphones.

The 2nd header of this weblog from Oct 2013, showing the NSA's National Security
Operations Center (NSOC), amongst the old name, only also the novel domain name

Then, inwards June 2013, the Snowden-leaks started, which would outcome inwards the largest issue of highly surreptitious documents close NSA together with GCHQ e'er published. For this weblog, they provided a unique chance to depict the modern ways of intercepting communications equally detailed equally the methods to protect them together with then the focus shifted from Top Level Telecommunications together with Communications Security (COMSEC) to Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).

After for instance new insights into the PRISM program together with slides close other collection programs, it was described that the NSA tool BOUNDLESSINFORMANT exclusively shows metadata together with that the screenshots from BOUNDLESSINFORMANT tin hold upwards misleading, which was eventually confirmed inwards Feb 2014 when it came out that the Dutch regime tried to enshroud the truth close metadata collection equally shown inwards the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT charts.

Carefully studying the master copy NSA documents made clear that they frequently did non back upwards the stories inwards the press or the way they were presented yesteryear Snowden himself. The NSA presentations together with reports made clear that the way is extremely capable inwards intercepting communications, only they show no evidence for global volume surveillance inwards the feel that all our communications are continuously monitored, stored together with analysed.

Other examples: inwards July 2014, Glenn Greenwald came amongst a finally large story that was intended to essay out that NSA was spying on ordinary American citizens, only truly the master copy document shows that it was non NSA, only FBI that monitored v Americans. In Feb 2015 it was reported that NSA together with GCHQ had stolen SIM carte keys from companies similar Gemalto, only this didn't set "billions of cellphones" at run a peril equally this was clearly an functioning for tactical armed forces purposes.

This sort of unopen together with critical exam of the Snowden documents became an almost unique characteristic of this weblog equally exclusively really few other people took the fourth dimension together with essay for similar analysis.

Although sometimes controversial, the articles close the Snowden-revelations became highly appreciated yesteryear a really broad gain of people, which led to a huge increase of readers together with also of followers of the twitter-account @electrospaces.

The advert Electrospaces was initially chosen for the URL of this weblog (http://electrospaces.blogspot.com) together with is derived from Electrospace Systems Inc. (ESI), a old companionship that manufactured the sophisticated together with futuristic looking telephone devices used for the Defense Red Switch Network (DRSN) together with thence also yesteryear the U.S. president together with the armed forces leadership.

An Electrospace MLP-2 telephone from the early on 1980s

With this weblog immediately beingness non exclusively close top marker telecommunication equipment anymore, together with the involve for a curt advert on twitter, the initial advert was replaced yesteryear , which also became the novel together with easier-to-use domain name. Accordingly the novel advert was presented on the header of this weblog equally of Jan 2016.

Fans of top marker telecommunication equipment were non forgotten, amongst articles close State Department ruddy phones, the phones of NSA manager Alexander, those of US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, together with of the Dutch prime number minister. H5N1 terminal comprehensive overview of the presidential communications equipment nether Barack Obama combines the information from before postings close Obama's phones.

Meanwhile, this weblog provided the get-go description of NSA's largest cable tapping program: DANCINGOASIS together with identified the DRTBOX together with the DRT surveillance systems for collection of wireless signals for tactical armed forces purposes. And in that location was a detailed overview of FAIRVIEW: Collecting unusual tidings within the US.

The Snowden documents also revealed an overwhelming issue of NSA organizational designators together with the SIGADs which announce collection facilities, for which split upwards lists were compiled hither inwards guild to move yesteryear along rails of them - together with they are even then the most consummate ones available.

Other lists incorporate codewords from US classification system, equally good equally of NSA's legal authorities was created.

The electrical flow header of this weblog from Jan 2016, even then showing the NSA's National
Security Operations Center (NSOC) only immediately amongst the novel advert
together with the 3 topics which are covered here.

H5N1 gain of articles became dedicated to developments inwards Germany: starting amongst how secure the Merkel-Phone is together with how NSA targeted her mobile phone to an extensive coverage of the hearings of the parliamentary committee that investigates spying yesteryear NSA together with the cooperation betwixt NSA together with BND (twitter hashtag: #NSAUA).

These seemingly endless hearings are transcribed yesteryear volunteers of the German linguistic communication digital rights arrangement Netzpolitik.org, only equally they let on many interesting details that confirm or complement things from the Snowden-documents, it proved to hold upwards worthwhile to summarize them hither inwards English linguistic communication too.

Some notable results from these hearings were many interesting details close the articulation NSA-BND functioning Eikonal, which was recognized equally beingness part of NSA's RAMPART-A program hither for the get-go time, equally good equally that BND didn't attention much close unusual NSA selectors.

In collaboration amongst the French weblog close tidings & defense strength what if Google was an tidings agency, followed yesteryear analysis of the novel tidings laws inwards France together with the Netherlands, amongst articles close similar laws of other countries to follow inwards the future.

Finally, about numbers: the most pop article on this weblog became the 1 close how Obama's BlackBerry was secured from Apr 2013 amongst over 100.000 pageviews. Second is a slice from July 2014 close the new phones aboard Air Force One amongst was read close 72.000 times. Third comes a detailed description of INCENSER, or how NSA together with GCHQ are tapping network cables which got about 65.000 pageviews. The overall total of pageviews for this weblog is currently almost 2,3 million!

- Met Nerds om Tafel: S01E14 – Geheime Diensten en Edward Snowden met Peter Koop
- Washingtonian: 5 Questions for a Dutch Blogger Who’s Obsessed With the White House’s Phones

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